GBAmp3 is an amplifier module for Nintendo Gameboy
Two GBAmp3, one new speaker and swedish coin for size.
I haven’t grown tired of making chip music on my two Gameboys yet but one thing I have come to dislike is how quiet they are. Like, how in the world could kids hear anything on these things back in the day. It’s close to impossible to sit on a train with headphones and try to make music on it when there are people around talking.
I searched the net for a solution and found this little wonderful amplifier made and sold by Anton Veretenenko on Tindie. Not only does it bump up the volume a lot, but it also cleans away the high pitch noise. I bought one for each Gameboy and one new speaker to the Gameboy Color. I haven’t installed them yet but I will try to get it done this weekend. Stay tuned for sound examples.