Video of me trying out my serviced and modded Roland SH-09

I recently spent a few days servicing my trusty old Roland SH-09, an analog monophonic synthesizer that has been with me since forever. Afterwards I was so astounded with how good it sounded now. The not so simple task of cleaning and re-lubing all the carbon sliders actually improved the sound A LOT. Since I also did the so called noise mod I can now blend in a selectable level of noise along with VCO saw or pulse (and sub osc). This is not possible on an un-modded SH-09. Check out my video and hear for yourself. I suggest using headphones or a good pair of speakers to enjoy the rumbling bassness.

July 20th, 2020|Analog, Blog, Synthesizer|

HYVE Touch Synthesizer Improvisation

I just uploaded a new video to Youtube where I play around with my HYVE Synth.
I wouldn’t call it a real performance though. It’s more like a demo of what this thing is capable off. I’m still learning how to use it.

Developed by Skot Wiedmann, the HYVE is a 60 voice analog polyfonic synthesizer where each key senses pressure, vertical position, and horizontal position. By pressing down and just wiggling your finger a little bit you can control the sound much more than with a normal keyboard. For example you can balance the stereo position of one voice by leaning the finger a bit to the left or right and the volume of the voice by how hard you press.

The layout of the bottom part of the HYVE is similar to that of a normal keyboard with the addition that you can play five octaves per key, all at once of course. In the top section the keys are arranged in different chromatic scales which makes it “easy” to play chords and drift though voices that would be pretty hard, if not impossible to do on a normal keyboard.


February 2nd, 2019|Analog, Blog, Synthesizer|

Roland System-100 ACID MANIA Live performance

I just recorded another video of me tweaking the old Roland System-100. I got this idea a while back to try to do some sort of live performance, with drums or drum like sounds, live on the Roland System-100. Everything was recorded live in one take. All sounds come from the System-100 run through the Strymon El Capistan Tape Echo effect box. Not something I would include on my next album but still fun to try new ways to push this old baby to the limit.

OM-1 Cassette Tape Synthesizer

File this one under utterly uniquely sounding analog synthesizer.

The Onde Magnétique OM-1 is a device with which you control a modified cassette-player. Into the player you put various pre-recorded cassettes (flute, vox etc) and by playing the buttons on the controller you set the speed of the cassette motor. Which in turn produces notes in different pitches. Really cool concept. Like the bastard child of a Mellotron. Check it out!

The OM-1 costs $285 and can be ordered from their web site.

July 20th, 2016|Analog, Synthesizer|
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